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WEBINAR: FAO/AfDB Digitization to transform agriculture in Africa and respond to Covid-19

FAO/AfDB Webinar Series #3: E-commerce
Speakers and Attendees
  • Mr. Bitange Ndemo, Chairman of the Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Taskforce, Government of Kenya
  • Ms. Milkah Wachiuru, COO, Agrikore/Cellulant
  • Mr. Francis Obirikorang, Co-Founder and CEO, Agrocenta
  • Mr. Daniel Jones, Founder and CEO, Bext360
  • Mr. Kenechi Okelele, Senior Manager GSMA
  • Mr. Stephen Muchiri, CEO, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
  • Mr. Carlo Bravi, FAO Investment Centre, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
  • Ms. Kemi Afun-Ogidan, Principal Agribusiness Officer, AfDB

The African Development Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) have launched a series of webinars dedicated to exploring how digitization of food and agricultural systems can provide quick responses to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and accelerate longer-term transformation of Africa's agriculture sector.

This session will explore how digital technologies can improve market access and demand responsiveness for small producers. E-commerce platforms, traceability systems and smart contracts are the main tools that will be discussed in this session. COVID-19 has dramatically demonstrated the potential of retail e-commerce platforms around the world. This third webinar of the series will bring policymakers and technology innovators together to share insights on how technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain and e-commerce can facilitate the integration of smallholder farmers into regional and global food supply chains.


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